Full Recreation Area Development
Campground/park refurbishment or expansion funded by RRM, repaid through revenue share operating agreement.
For years our main business was the turnkey operation of public recreation areas, and that is still a large part of what we do. But sometime around 2008, after many recreation agency budgets were severely cut, park officials began approaching us with a new problem. Yes, though they would appreciate help operating a park or even reopening a park, but years of budget shortages had led to large deferred maintenance issues and underinvestment in modern visitor amenities. They would tell us, “we are happy to have you operate the park, but first someone needs to rebuild it.”
Over the last 5-10 years, public agencies including the Tennessee Valley Authority and Alabama State Parks have awarded us long-term operating contracts that are predicated on large investments by RRM in things like:
Park reopening costs
Deferred maintenance repair
Upgrades of current facilities (e.g. electrification of a primitive camping area).
Addition of new facilities (e.g. stores, cabins, laundry rooms, docks, etc.)
In these contracts we have invested in millions of dollars of facilities for these parks, and every one of these improvements become the property of the park at the end of the contract. In fact, with absolutely no risk or cost, these agencies have gained
New and refurbished facilities
Quality operation and high visitor satisfaction
A revenue share payment, often turning a formerly money-losing park into a money-maker for the agency
You may contact us any time to discuss your parks to see if we can help. But you can get a good idea of the how and why of this program from the 13-minute video below, which was a presentation by our President Warren Meyer at the annual RecX conference held at the Department of Interior in Washington, DC. This is a forum to discuss cutting-edge new recreation ideas.